Friday, March 7, 2008

Plastics Recruiter - Infinity Screening

My name is Dan Regovich and I am a Plastics Recruiter.

Infinity Screening

Your organization or company is doing everything right. You do a high level background check on a candidate. You have checked references, education and all past employers. You even have it set up with your screening company to go back in and call a listed current employer after the candidate has been hired for your company. You are on a roll and it is all done. Right? There is nothing else you need to worry about with that candidate. Right? Maybe you want to rethink that position just a tad.

Infinity screening is continuous post-hire employee screening. You may not realize it but you may already do this. Do you run annual driving reports through your insurance company on company drivers? That is infinity screening. But what about other positions? Do your accountants still have their credentials or license? Do your nurses still hold an active license without any disciplinary action on them (that you know of)? How about criminal records? Do you know if that floor manager in production is doing weekends in jail or is on a jail work release program?

Infinity screening can be done if your release authorization indicates that you can continue to do background checks on a candidate throughout their employment with your company. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to do a yearly criminal check along with your yearly driving checks on your drivers. Maybe criminal records were clear when you screened the candidate before hiring them, and maybe there was never any issue after that candidate was hired. Maybe they never received any tickets or DUI arrests. Can you take a chance with it? Maybe. Would you be better off protecting your company with annual reviews on current employees, double checking licensing, driving, criminal records, credentials, etc? Absolutely.

Plastics Recruiter Screening

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter - Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International
AJ Augur Group, LLC

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