Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plastics Recruiter - Big Brother

My name is Dan Regovich and I am a recruiter in the Plastics Industry. Below is another article from BackTrack.

Many people are under the impression that there is a “Big Brother” database where someone can “plug in” a social security number and all the information you could possibly want would appear. You would get a full listing of all employment information, student records, credit history, and probably what they had for breakfast last week. If it were that simple there would be a whole lot of companies who specialize in background screening that would be put out of business. The truth is that there is no such database or stockpile of personal records.

The truth is that the social security number is rarely used for criminal records, and if it is used, it is only a secondary identifier to confirm records that were found belong to the applicant that has been screened. Our court systems in America are based on name and date of birth. Employments records are generally found by social security number and some schools maintain the social security number. However, many schools are no longer using socials as an identifier because of security and identity issues. For that reason it is very important to obtain the person’s full name and date of birth, as well as any maiden or alternate names that they may have used. Only solid checking by calling in to companies, schools, and courts will give you a true picture of the candidate you are screening.

Plastics Recruiter

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter - Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International
AJ Augur Group, LLC

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