Monday, October 17, 2011

When the interviewing process takes too much time

Common Hiring Mistakes – The Hiring Process Takes a Long Time

As a plastics headhunter, I see several mistakes that companies make when hiring. These mistakes are common within all sizes of companies, whether it is one of the large industry giants or a mom and pop plastics company. Below is the first of many mistakes that I will outline:

One thing to keep in mind is that time kills deals. The longer the hiring process takes, the more likely you are to lose the candidate you want for your plastics job. This could be in the form of:
1.) Taking a long time before giving feedback to a candidate after an interview.
If no feedback is given to a candidate within a day or two, the human nature of people is to feel that the company did not like them. Once they are convinced that the company didn’t like them, they start picking apart all the negative things they saw about the company and why it wasn’t a good fit for them anyway. Once a candidate has gone done this road mentally, it’s tough to change their mind.
2.) The next interview might be several weeks out.
3.) Too many steps in the interviewing process.
4.) Decision by committee – it is rare to have many people agree on one candidate.
5.) Having a quota to interview x amount of candidates before making a decision.
If the best candidate was interviewed first, you could be in trouble if you have several more first round interviews.
6.) Taking too long to get an offer to the candidate you want. In the plastics industry, if you are pursuing someone with a technical background, the odds are good that they are interviewing with several companies or talking to several plastics recruiters. I’ve seen candidates pass up the job they really want because another company moved faster on an offer. They simply could not pass another offer up not knowing if the other offer would ever come.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging RecruiterAJ Augur Group,
Plastics RecruiterPlastic Injection Molding RecruiterBlow Molding RecruiterBlown film Recruiter
Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,
The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,
Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE
injection molding head hunter / executive recruiterblown film head hunter / executive recruiterblow molding head hunter / executive recruiterplastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tips For Using A Recruiter / Headhunter

If you are looking for Plastics Jobs and want to use Plastics Recruiters, also known as Plastics Headhunters, here are a few things you should consider:

1. Be sure your resume spells out your plastics experience. Each company you’ve worked at should have a description of what kind of plastics process they use and how big the company is (e.g., “ABC Plastics is a $50 million dollar plastic injection molder of food packaging…”).

2. Your resume should also include accomplishments in terms of percentages and dollars that you saved or earned the company.

3. Email your resume to the Plastics Recruiter and then follow up with a phone call stating who you are, when you sent your resume and what kind of position you are looking for. It’s okay to leave a voice mail stating this information as well. If the recruiter feels that he or she can use your information, they will save it in their database.

4. Most headhunters have a lot on their plate. Daily follow up calls are too much but a phone call, email or voicemail once a month to them would be sufficient and appreciated. Believe me when I tell you that if that recruiter has something for you, they will let you know!

5. If the recruiter does call you about a plastics job, it is important to disclose your current salary and any other financial information in regards to your current compensation package. Most people feel that this lessens their chance at a better offer, but the opposite is true. My experience has shown that when my clients understand a candidate’s full compensation, they will come forward with a better offer.

6. As a Plastics Recruiter, I very rarely see candidates who are in search of a job at the different plastics trade shows. Earlier this year, a candidate of mine that just had a phone interview with a client of mine went to Pack Expo to see my client at their booth. They were so impressed that he would go out of his way to see them and learn more about them at the show that they immediately brought him in for a face to face interview. He got the job and beat out several other candidates that were in the interviewing process.

7. If you do not subscribe to Plastics News, you should do that. You can go on line at and find all the contact information for hundreds of plastics companies. Sending your resume and following up with a phone call to those plastics companies can be very effective in your job search.

In conclusion, when working with Plastics Recruiters / Headhunters in your job search, you can be certain that they want to do what’s in your best interest and their client’s best interest. A recruiter is only successful when both the client and the candidate are happy with each other. If you feel there is a lack of trust with either the plastics recruiter or the plastics company, keep looking!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Friday, October 7, 2011

Seven Secrets To Boost Your Productivity

A great article from Scott Love, a well-known trainer in the recruiting industry. These principles apply to virtually everyone.

Seven Secrets To Boost Your Productivity
You can have the greatest attitude, a strong telephone presence, and the best recruiting and client development skills. But if you lack strong work habits, you are destined to failure.
Work habits are comprised of the following seven components:

First, the Plan
The plan is how you are budgeting your time. Your time is fixed and limited and deserves to be
allocated in blocks of time. Think of your day starting at 4 pm. You spend the time late in the
afternoon divvying up the hours of the next day into segments where each hourly focus is fixated, with laser-beam intensity, on one type of activity. If you spend the block of time on one type of activity (such as only recruiting calls from 9 to 11, or only qualifying calls from 11 to 12) then you synergize your efforts and increase your effectiveness.

Second, the Goals
Start each day by finding the answer to this question: What are the two or three things that I need to accomplish today in order to consider it a successful day? Write them down. Congratulations, champ. Statistically, you have just tripled the odds of your achieving those goals because you invested seven seconds in scribbling them on a sheet of paper. Personally, I write these daily targets on a dry erase board next to my desk, where I also have my ultimate career goal, my annual billing goal, my monthly goals, and weekly targets.

Third, the Start Intensity
How soon do you start your day? Do you tackle the morning or do you let the next day sort of ooze into existence? The way you perform all day depends upon how you start it. Be aggressive in the start time and you’ll see a significant improvement in your end time. And if you start doing administrative items instead of making phone calls, then you never seem to get around to making phone calls. How you start your day is the way you’ll end up finishing it.

Fourth, the Execution
Most of us are successful in spite of ourselves, not because of ourselves. You can always get better. You can always improve how you do what you are supposed to do. The energy of your execution, doing what it is you are supposed to do the way you are supposed to do it, should always be an increasing challenge for you. This will keep you from getting burned out, washed up, and overall tired of the business. If you ever feel this way, then start seeing how much more you can get done in a day.

Fifth, the Hour-by-Hour Focus
Things started clicking for me several years ago when I heard Brian Tracy say that each day should have an hour-by-hour focus. I took his advice and created a tool that helped me to stay focused on the phone and strive to reach a certain number of conversations per hour. To get a free copy of the ‘Telephone Discipline Tool,’ visit the Free Downloads page of my site (scroll to the bottom of the page). This simple tool will help you reach more people than you ever have because it breaks your day into an hour-by-hour goal focus.

Sixth, the Distancing of Distractions
The biggest distraction that a recruiter used to have was his cubicle neighbor. Now it’s email. I heard a six-month rookie share with me how she doesn’t check email except when she has it scheduled in her plan. Think about it: normally you’ll check your emails in between phone calls and think that you might as well respond to them because they might be urgent. It’ll just take a few seconds, you tell yourself. Forty minutes later, you have carefully crafted only two responses and lost all track of time and have screwed up your plan. ‘Rapture of the Email’ will keep you out of focus and out of balance when it comes to getting things done. Schedule time in your day to check your Email, to make your personal calls, and to chat with your friends in the office. By distancing the distractions during your precious prime time, you’ll have more energy and more concentration on the task at hand.

Seventh, Continuous Observation
A question that I heard Brian Tracy ask on an audio program regarding time management has helped me more than anything. During the day and throughout the day, ask yourself this question: “What is the best use of my time, right now?” Continuously observe how you are spending your day and question the best use of it. By doing this, you will always bring yourself back in alignment with doing those things that need to get done and not those things that distract you and keep you away from you achieving all that you truly deserve to achieve.

Copyright © Scott Love
Scott Love trains, motivates and inspires recruiters to achieve greatness in the profession. Visit his online recruiter training center for tips, tools, downloads, videos, articles, instruments and quizzes that can help you bill more.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Monday, October 3, 2011

Stocks - Plastics Recruiter


Stocks dip amid fresh fears about Greece

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. stocks opened modestly lower on the first trading day of the fourth quarter, as investors remain unnerved about Greece and a slowing global economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) dipped 65 points, or 0.6%, the S&P 500 (SPX) fell 7 points, or 0.7% and the Nasdaq composite (COMP) lost 20 points, or 0.8%.

Investors are watching closely as Greece attempts to deal with its debt crisis. Greece has slashed spending, reduced wages and raised taxes in an attempt to bring its debt under control.

But even still, the debt-ridden nation will miss key deficit targets for this year and next, according to the draft budget announced by the Greek cabinet late Sunday.

There isn't a whole lot of optimism that Greece will pull though. Almost all of the 22 economists surveyed by CNNMoney believe Greece will default on its debt by the end of next year.

Europe's debt crisis: Complete coverage
Stocks were hammered Friday, with all three major stock indices shaving more than 2%, as investors worries about the debt crisis in Europe and the outlook for global economic growth continue to mount.

The losses capped the biggest quarterly drop for the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq since the fourth quarter of 2008.

In addition to fretting over the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, investors are anxious about slowing economic activity in the United States and around the world.

The Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund have both warned of increasing risks to the global economic recovery.

World markets: European stocks were sharply lower in afternoon trading. Britain's FTSE 100 (UKX) fell 1.9%, the DAX (DAX) in Germany tumbled 3% and France's CAC 40 (CAC40) dropped 2.4%.

Asian markets also ended lower. The Hang Seng (HSI) in Hong Kong plunged 4.4%, while Japan's Nikkei (N225) shed 1.8%. The Shanghai Composite (SHCOMP) is closed this week for holiday.

By CNNMoney staff October 3, 2011: 9:42 AM ETNEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. stocks opened modestly lower on the first trading day of the fourth quarter, as investors remain unnerved about Greece and a slowing global economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) dipped 65 points, or 0.6%, the S&P 500 (SPX) fell 7 points, or 0.7% and the Nasdaq composite (COMP) lost 20 points, or 0.8%.

Investors are watching closely as Greece attempts to deal with its debt crisis. Greece has slashed spending, reduced wages and raised taxes in an attempt to bring its debt under control.

But even still, the debt-ridden nation will miss key deficit targets for this year and next, according to the draft budget announced by the Greek cabinet late Sunday.

There isn't a whole lot of optimism that Greece will pull though. Almost all of the 22 economists surveyed by CNNMoney believe Greece will default on its debt by the end of next year.

Europe's debt crisis: Complete coverage
Stocks were hammered Friday, with all three major stock indices shaving more than 2%, as investors worries about the debt crisis in Europe and the outlook for global economic growth continue to mount.

The losses capped the biggest quarterly drop for the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq since the fourth quarter of 2008.

In addition to fretting over the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, investors are anxious about slowing economic activity in the United States and around the world.

The Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund have both warned of increasing risks to the global economic recovery.

World markets: European stocks were sharply lower in afternoon trading. Britain's FTSE 100 (UKX) fell 1.9%, the DAX (DAX) in Germany tumbled 3% and France's CAC 40 (CAC40) dropped 2.4%.

Asian markets also ended lower. The Hang Seng (HSI) in Hong Kong plunged 4.4%, while Japan's Nikkei (N225) shed 1.8%. The Shanghai Composite (SHCOMP) is closed this week for holiday.

0:00 / 4:56 Buffett: The rich have won the class war
Economy: Investors will get the Institute for Supply Management's August manufacturing index, as well as construction spending figures from the Commerce Department.

Economists expect the September ISM index will fall to a reading of 50.5, from last month's 50.6. Construction spending figures are expected to decrease 0.5% -- coming in above last month's 1.3% decrease.

Major auto manufacturers will also report auto sales for September at 3 p.m.

Companies: Share of Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) rose after the company announced an content alliance with Disney (DIS, Fortune 500)-owned ABC News. On Friday, Jack Ma, the CEO of Chinese Internet conglomerate Alibaba Group, said that his company would be "interested" in buying all of struggling online media firm Yahoo.

Shares of Eastman Kodak (EK, Fortune 500) surged more than 30% Monday, after plunging almost 60% Friday. Rumors swirled that the camera maker had hired a law firm for advice on a major restructuring or bankruptcy filing. The company later denied that it is planning bankruptcy moves.

Apple's new CEO, Tim Cook, will take the stage at the Town Hall auditorium on Apple's (AAPL, Fortune 500) Cupertino, Calif., campus Tuesday to unveil the new iteration of the iPhone. Rumors are swirling over whether there will be one new iPhone or two.

Currencies and commodities: The dollar rose against the euro and the British pound, but lost ground against the Japanese yen.

Oil for November delivery lost $2 to $77.20 a barrel.

Gold futures for December delivery rose $35.20 to $1,657.40 an ounce.

Bonds: The price on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury edged up , pushing the yield down to 1.87% from 1.92% late Friday.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Friday, September 30, 2011

Time Kills Deals - Plastics Recruiters - AJ Augur Group, LLC - Dan Regovich

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The more time between setting up a phone interview, to setting up the first face to face interview and making an offer, the more of a chance a candidate will say "forget it" or not accept an offer. Time is of the essence. Feel free to call me and I can give you very specific examples.

Happy Recruiting!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Monday, September 26, 2011

Head Hunter For Plastics - Honesty

My name is Dan Regovich and I am an Executive Recruiter/Head Hunter and specialize in the Plastics industry.

Recently, I was working on a position in which I presented a candidate who was making $63k. When one of the interviewers asked my candidate how much he was making, he thought the candidate said $53k.

At that point, my client wanted to see my candidate's pay stub or W2 to verify what the candidate was really making. I advised my client that people with my candidate's background make $55k right out of college. (That was verified by a very quick search on Google which brought up several salary surveys.) The fact that my candidate told me he was making $63k is right in line with what he should be making for someone with his experience.

As you might guess, going back to a candidate and asking them for a pay stub is telling them that my client thinks you were lying. The candidate politely declined and my client missed out on a great candidate, who, by the way, was right in line with their salary range.

If you want candidates to prove their salary, make sure you tell them up front. If you do it on the back end, you are telling them you don't think they are honest!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, I service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Plastic Extrusion Recuiter - Project Engineer

Project Engineer For Mentor, OH

Looking for someone who ideally has an electrical engineering background to help the sales staff of this growing, privately held manufacturer of capital equipment to work with cusotmers in helping them coordinate the manufacturing of their custom packaging equipment. This newly created position will travel to customer sites to help the sales person with technical issues and questions about customizing equipment. This person will also coordinate between the customer and the company once the equipment is being manufactured and all the way until the new equipment is installed.

Being offered is a base salary of up $80k, gain sharing, medical benefits, dental benefits, tuition reiumbursement, paid holidays, paid vacation and a great work environment. If interested, send your resume to

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Recruiter
Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter
Blow Molding Recruiter
Blown film Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration.
Within the plastics industry, we service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Monday, September 19, 2011

Plastics Recruiter - GM / UAW


General Motors and the United Auto Workers union reached a tentative agreement on a new labor deal late Friday, the first since the federal bailout and bankruptcy at the company two years ago.

The agreement was reached just after 11 p.m. Friday. It covers about 48,500 UAW members at the nation's largest automaker.

It includes guarantees of "significant investments and products for our plants," according to a statement by UAW President Bob King. That new investment will result in a rehiring of an undisclosed number of workers who lost their jobs during recent downsizings. Guarantees on products and investment was the union's major goal in these talks.

The contract also includes improved profit sharing payments for members, the main goal of all three automakers, that will mean a greater part of pay and benefit packages will be tied to the performance of the company.

King said the profit sharing improvement was a big win for his members.

"When GM was struggling, our members shared in the sacrifice. Now that the company is posting profits again, our members want to share in the success," he said.

GM said the new contract will allow it to be competitive by pegging compensation to company performance and demand. Most experts expected the automakers, which all posted operating profits this year for the first time since 2004, to win a deal that will allow them to stay in the black, even with modest U.S. auto sales.

"We worked hard for a contract that recognizes the realities of today's marketplace, enabling GM to continue to invest in U.S. manufacturing and provide good jobs to thousands of Americans," said a statement from Cathy Clegg, GM vice president, Labor Relations.

But other details about the contract, including any changes in base pay or in the two-tier wage system now in place at the company, were not announced. The union will now present the agreement to rank-and-file members, whose ratification is needed for it to go into effect.

The union had sought to improve the pay of entry-level employees, who are now paid between $14 and $17 an hour. That compares to the $28 and $38 an hour veteran UAW members can earn at the Big Three.

The contracts between the UAW and GM, Ford Motor (F, Fortune 500) and Chrysler Group had been due to expire at 11:59 p.m. on September 14. The union granted Ford an extension in advance of the deadline, as it concentrated on reaching a deal with GM and Chrysler. The union is expected to seek a slightly better contract agreement from Ford, the only U.S. automaker that didn't need a bailout or bankruptcy protection.

When it couldn't reach a deal by the Wednesday night deadline, the union granted an indefinite extension to the other two automakers as well.

Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne was unhappy with his company taking a backseat to GM in the talks, writing an angry letter to King complaining that the two had been unable to meet before the contract expiration. Talks between the top officials at Chrysler and the union are expected to resume early this week when Marchionne returns to the United States. He is also CEO of Italian automaker Fiat, which owns a majority stake in Chrysler.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Executive Pay - Plastics Recruiter

Interesting article in

Executive pay likely to rise again in 2011
Posted September 13, 2011
AKRON, OHIO (Sept. 13, 1:10 p.m. ET) -- Compensation experts agree that executive pay will increase again in 2011. But they are divided on whether that increase will be a small one, or one that is on the same magnitude of the 20 percent increases that were commonplace in 2010.

“That’s a tough question given the big market correction we just went through” in August, said John Ellerman, founding partner of Pay Governance LLC, who works out of the company’s Dallas office. “Up until then, most companies thought 2011 would be a fairly good year with bonuses equivalent to 2010.

“But the fact that shareholders lost so much money” — at least on paper — during that market correction — could change that, Ellerman said. “No one knows if “we are at the end of that correction yet.”

“So much depends on what happens between now and the end of the year,” agreed Andrew Goldstein, a Chicago-based practice leader for executive compensation at Towers Watson of New York. “Bonuses will be below budget in 2011, but they will still be up and long-term incentives grants will be up as well, although not as steep as annual bonuses.

“I expect that when we see 2011 data, we will see LTI up again over 2010, in the neighborhood of 5-10 percent, attributable to stock gains,” Goldstein said.

That’s much the same view as Mick Thompson a principal in the human capital consulting business of New York-based Mercer Inc. “It’s really tough to say, especially relative to annual incentive plans, because there is a lot of 2011 left and a lot of uncertainty in the market,” Thompson said. “But I think they will likely pay out at target or just above target.”

Aaron Boyd, research director for executive compensation research firm Equilar Inc. in Redwood Shores, Calif., said: “For 2011, the crystal ball gets a little murky. But I suspect that pay will be flat, or even a little down, because we saw such a big increase in 2010 over 2009.”

However, James Reda, managing director of James F. Reda & Associates LLC in New York, thinks 2011 will be another strong pay year for executives. “A lot of pay is pegged to [earnings before income, taxes, depreciation and amortization] and EBITDA is not going to change that much in the next six months,” said Reda. “I don’t think everything will fall off like it did in 2008 and 2009. So I think companies will meet goals and have a decent short-term and LTI payout.

“I don’t know of many companies that dialed in an aggressive growth for 2011, so 2011 will probably not be a bad year for LTI and annual pay,” he said.

Regardless, executive pay packages will continue to rise — even if worker pay levels remain flat or stagnant, said Deb Nielsen at Kenexa Compensation of Wayne, Pa.

“The average worker is just not going to see much increase in salary. Absolutely not,” she said. That’s because, in the eyes of the corporation, workers “have less control over results.”

Conversely, overall executive pay packages will continue “at high levels and continue to increase,” said Nielsen, who is Boston-based director of data operations and executive compensation for Kenexa, which late last year acquired

“Companies fear that if they don’t offer the right package, it will put the company at a competitive disadvantage” in retaining or attracting the right person either to “turn the company around or drive performance.” Nielson said.

“You are not going to see them back away from an executive for a few extra dollars.”

That means there will continue to be disconnects between annual incentive payouts to executives for one-year performance and total shareholder return.

Just one example: In 2010, Mega Brands Inc. President and CEO Marc Bertrand received a non-equity incentive plan payout of nearly $480,000 when the one-year total shareholder return declined by 38 percent.

On the other end of the spectrum, TSR at packaging firm Winpak Ltd. jumped 30 percent from 2009-10, but none of the executive team received an NEIP payout.

Overall, 21 companies in the PN rankings posted positive one-year TSR in 2010, ranging from 3-222 percent, with nine firm posting one-year TSR declines of 3-60 percent. One-year TSR numbers were not available at the other five companies.

Three-year TSR was a different story, with 14 firms posting a positive return of between 1 and 41 percent, 15 posting negative three-year TSR of between 3 and 53 percent and one firm showing a flat TSR over three years. Again, three-year TSR numbers were not available for the same five companies.

Most PN-ranked executives profited financially from their firms’ one-year corporate performances — as 115 of the top 150 executives received NEIP payouts in 2010, with 17 of them at $1 million or more. That compares to 2009 when 108 executives received NEIP payouts, with just 14 of them over $1 million.

As a result, both the average and median NEIP payouts jumped in 2010. The average NEIP payout in 2010 increased 157 percent from just under $332,000 in 2009 to more than $856,000 in 2010 — though mostly because Magna International Inc. execs, particularly Chairman Frank Stronach, took home huge profit-sharing bonuses. The median NEIP payout for the PN top 150 executives in 2010 rose by 26.8 percent to $195,390, from $155,611 the year before.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter / executive recruiter
blown film head hunter / executive recruiter
blow molding head hunter / executive recruiter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter / executive recruiter

Monday, September 12, 2011

Plastics Recruiter - Faith

Practice Being Like a Child by Jim Rohn

Remember the master teacher said 2000 years ago, “Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero, you haven’t got a prayer.” A major consideration for adults.

Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get –

1) Curiosity - Be curious. Childish curiosity. Learn to be curious like a child. What will kids do if they want to know something bad enough? You’re right. They will bug you. Kids can ask a million questions. You think they’re through. They’ve got another million. They will keep plaguing you. They can drive you right to the brink.

Also kids use their curiosity to learn. Have you ever noticed that while adults are stepping on ants, children are studying them? A child’s curiosity is what helps them to reach, learn and grow.

2) Excitement - Learn to get excited like a child. There is nothing that has more magic than childish excitement. So excited you hate to go to bed at night. Can’t wait to get up in the morning. So excited that you’re about to explode. How can anyone resist that kind of childish magic? Now, once in awhile I meet someone who says, “Well, I’m a little too mature for all that childish excitement.” Isn’t that pitiful? You’ve got to weep for these kinds of people. All I’ve got to say is, “If you’re too old to get excited, you’re old.” Don’t get that old.

3) Faith - Faith like a child. Faith is childish. How else would you describe it? Some people say, “Let’s be adult about it.” Oh no. No. Adults too often have a tendency to be overly skeptical. Some adults even have a tendency to be cynical. Adults say, “Yeah. I’ve heard that old positive line before. It will be a long day in June before I fall for that positive line. You’ve got to prove to me it’s any good.” See, that’s adult, but kids aren’t that way. Kids think you can get anything. They are really funny. You tell kids, “We’re going to have three swimming pools.” And they say, “Yeah. Three. One each. Stay out of my swimming pool.” See, they start dividing them up right away, but adults are not like that. Adults say, “Three swimming pools? You’re out of your mind. Most people don’t even have one swimming pool. You’ll be lucky to get a tub in the back yard.” You notice the difference? No wonder the master teacher said, “Unless you can become like little children, your chances, they’re skinny.”

4) Trust - Trust is a childish virtue, but it has great merit. Have you heard the expression “sleep like a baby”? That’s it. Childish trust. After you’ve gotten an A+ for the day, leave it in somebody else’s hands.

Curiosity, excitement, faith and trust. Wow, what a powerful combination to bring (back) into our lives.

—Jim Rohn

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter
Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Plastic Head Hunter

Another hiring mistake:
Assuming that just because a candidate is interested in your job/company that they'll accept a low-ball offer.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter
Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Monday, July 25, 2011

Injection molding, blow molding, blown film, flexible packaging Recruiter

In search of Project Manager in Mentor, OH.

Primary Purpose of Position:

Successful candidate will be responsible for managing multiple projects from inception to realization. Responsibilities include but not limited to:
1. Understanding the application
2. Understanding of customer specifications
3. Quotation process
4. Drawings and related information
5. Customer/Sales Meetings
6. Coordination of procurement
7. Implementation
8. Support – in field or local

Essential Functions and Responsibilities:

1. Understand the opportunities brought by sales

2. Understand specifications from customer (i.e. mechanical and electrical requirements)

3. Create quotations

4. Create line drawings (CAD Knowledge is a MUST)

5. Coordinate with manufacturing locations (US and Italy)

6. Coordinate deliveries with freight forwarders and inform sales

7. Coordinate procurement

8. Software and mechanical specifications (PLC programming is MUST)

9. Deliver projects (On Time, On Budget, with Customer Satisfaction)

10. Support installation staff in the field or via phone

11. Travel represents 40% of time

12. Understanding of packaging equipment is highly favorable

13. Customer interface (both phone and in person) to demonstrate and facilitate services provided by the company. Performs such individual assignments as management may direct!

14. Establishes and maintains effective work relationships within the department and the Company; and maintains the professional competence, knowledge and skill necessary for the satisfactory performance of all assigned responsibilities.

Position Specifications:

* Knowledge:
2 -4 year Engineering school – A MUST
Understanding of electronic principals
Understanding of mechanical principles
Programming of PLC logic controllers and software

* Skills & Experiance:
Project Management Experience
PLC Software experience (RS LOGIX 500, 5000)
Cad Software – AutoCAD 2000 or higher
Microsoft office – MS Word, Excel, Project, Power Point, Outlook, etc.
5 Years of expefiance managing large projects
Good people skills

* Requirements:
Moderate lifting and carrying
Some walking, standing, crawling, kneeling, bending and climbing
Must be able to travel 40%

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter
Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Monday, July 18, 2011

Injection Molding Sales Manager; Project Manager; Maintenance Technician

I am still in search of a Sales person for a custom injection molder. Can be located in the Midwest or Southeast USA. Also, need a Project Manager with capital equipment experience in Mentor, OH. Maintenance Technicians in NW OH.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hiring Mistakes Cont. Injection molding, blow molding, blown film, extursion head hunter

Hiring Mistake:

Not everyone is dying to work for your company!

Sell your company!!! Many hiring managers think that because someone is sitting in front of them for an interview that the interviewee must be dying to work for taht company. Wrong!! The interviwee is often times on a fact finding mission. Sell your company to everyone in an interview. Get them all the candidates interested then decide who you’ll hire. Practice selling on those how are not a great fit. Don't assume that because someone is interviewing with you that they know how great your company is. You might lose an excellent candidate!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter

Friday, July 1, 2011

Plastics Recruiter / Plastics Head Hunter - Hiring Mistakes Continued

Another common mistake that I see is that many companies post ads on the internet and it consists of a huge list of must haves and duties. When posting ad, it should tell about the great qualities of your company and the ad should tell the potential candidates "what's in it for them." Your ad should talk about the sourrounding communities, your excellent benefits package and how the candidate will be able to have an impact in his or her new role.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service companies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

injection molding head hunter
blown film head hunter
blow molding head hunter
plastic flexible packaging head hunter

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Injection Molding Sales Position

I am in search of an Injection Molding Sales Rep. This person can be located anywhere in the Midwest or Southeast USA. Below is a description:

I need your help.

My client is a very successful, highly automated injection molder of small, precision industrial parts. They have been in business for over 20 years and have never had a down year. In fact, they are currently adding 60% more floor space and are looking for growth into the future both organically and by acquisition.

This company is so highly automated that for every injection molding press this company has, they have roughly 1.25 employees. This allows them to put additional resources into a superb engineering and design team that creates excellent products at a very competitive price.

Being offered is a competitive base salary along with a lucrative commission structure. Also, offered is medical insurance, LT & ST disability, paid holidays, 401k plan, paid vacation and a family friendly company.

The role this person will play will be to:
• Establish new business within the industrial segment
• Have the autonomy to work from home and set your own travel schedule and not be confined to a territory.
• Have the ability to compete with foreign molders on price but have quality to back it up.
• Help to grow this company which has a long history of success.

Someone with a strong injection molding sales background is a must! If you feel you might be a fit, send your resume to All resumes are kept in strict confidence. None of your information is shared without your permission.

AJ Augur Group, LLC is a search firm that specializes in the plastics industry in the U.S. & Canada and is owned and operated by Dan Regovich, a veteran of the industry since 1997.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, June 13, 2011

Plastic Injection Molding Recruiter - Hiring Mistakes

What's in it for them?

Often times I see companies that post ads for their open positions and the ad is a long list of duties that the position is responsible for. In order to post an effective ad, the posting should be all about what's in it for the person looking at the ad. Describe to a potential candiate what makes your company a great place to work for and how you are different from others. I am certain you'll get a greater number of qualified candidates.

Happy Hiring!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter
Plastics Recruiters

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Flexible Plastic Packaging Recruiter - Time Kills Deals

One of the biggest mistakes I see companies make is that they take too long in the interviewing process. Even though unemployment is high overall, check to see what the unemployment nubmers are for the type of person you are looking to hire. They may not be on the market by the time you make a decision on who to hire!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hiring Tips - Plastics Recruiter

10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners

by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

As a successful small business owner, you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working.
When was the last time you went to your dentist? When was the last time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?
Whether your goal is to find more time for family or personal enrichment --like attending classes and conferences -- you'll want to consider bringing on some help.
The following tips can help you get started whether you want to bring on a team of 10 or an occasional backup!
Don't expect to hire a replica of you! Each person you meet and interview will be a living, breathing human, with their own habits, mannerisms and even ideas! This is fine - -as long as their ideas and habits are not philosophically opposed to yours. My first hire, Jen, was pursuing a graduate degree, had just moved to the area and is nearly 20 years younger than I am! She's detail-oriented and relies on schedules to get things done. I'm a bit more 'seat of my pants' type of operator. She's a perfect fit because she complements my way of working! Over time she's grown into managing portions of my business that I neglected - like maintaining scheduling and billing.
Know exactly what you expect from your new hire. Before you advertise for help, sit down and write a job description. List your goals for the new hire - do you want someone who can fill in on short notice when you need to take a day off, or do you want someone who can work a regular schedule? Do you want someone who can meet with clients, set their own schedules and attend meetings and events on your behalf or do you simply need someone who can pick up your overflow? By spending time working through your thoughts on hired help you are setting yourself up for a great working relationship. If you can clearly articulate the job to all applicants, they will have the opportunity to determine if this is a mutually agreeable fit. Be sure to concentrate on specific job-related descriptions, and not subjective information.
Determine what type of manager you are! It's imperative that you're honest about your work style. After all, if you say you want an independent thinker, but really do a lot of 'checking-in' you may end up with an unhappy helper. On the other hand, if you hire someone who needs lots of feedback, you need to be sure that you are cut-out for the 'people part' of the management process.
Set aside time. If you expect to hire someone by the 15th of next month you may be setting yourself up for failure. Just as you can't expect to find a perfect replica of you - you can't always put a deadline on your hiring process. In other words, plan to advertise, interview and train until you find the RIGHT person. (SECRET TIP: If you find the right person - Hire them right away and then find work for them! Never pass up a great hire!)
Ask your insurance carrier about your responsibility for insuring your team members. Whether you hire Independent Consultant's or Employees is a topic for another article, however, you need to make certain that your company is covered.
Determine your time-off policy. Just like you, your team members will need time off - whether to recover from the flu or just to recharge. How will you handle these absences?
Create a disciplinary and review process. Whether you need to tackle issues of poor performance, or chronic absenteeism -- have a policy in place before you bring on your first team member. Questions to address in this process include: How many emergency absences are acceptable in a given time period? How will you deal with customer complaints and concerns? How will you reward outstanding performance? What format will you use to communicate with your team?
Find a reputable company for conducting background checks. If your company's product or service requires your employees to access clients' homes, children or possessions, do not overlook the importance of conducting a background check. You can search on the web, ask your insurance provider, or talk to your local police authorities for recommendations on companies to conduct this check for you. In each instance, you will need the applicant's signature and understanding that you will have a third party conduct a background check as a condition of employment.
Create a Fact Sheet for Applicants that you can provide along with an application to interested candidates. This sheet should cover your basic job description, expectations and hiring process.
Create your training program. Whether a detailed manual or one-on-one training for a specified period of time - make sure you have a written outline. Your training program should include all aspects of the job you expect your new hire to complete. Many misunderstandings and frustrations occur simply because a new hire didn't understand the expectations of the boss.
By following these tips, you are well on your way to a happy and productive working relationship with all your new help!

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, May 16, 2011

Plastics Recruiter: Sample Resignation Letter

A sample resignation letter when leaving your employer:


Employer’s Name
Company Address

Dear (First Name of Employer):

This is to inform you that I am today submitting my resignation of employment which will become effective as of (agreed date).

I appreciate all that (company name) has afforded me, but after careful consideration, I have made a firm decision to accept a new position with another company. I sincerely believe that this move is in the best interests of my family, myself and my career.

I wish all the best for (company name) in the future and I will do my best to have all my work in order by (agreed date).


Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sales 101 - Dan Regovich Plastic Packaging Recruiter

A good sales tip by Marvin Montgomery from ERC in Cleveland, OH. I had a chance to see him speak a few weeks aga at the OAESP meeting in Independence, OH. He's excellent!

Hopefully you're not one of the many salespeople that sit back and wait for the sale to fall in your lap. You feel that you have done such a great job selling the product or service that the customer should announce, "I'll take it!" Unfortunately that rarely happens.

It's your responsibility to ask for the order using the appropriate close that will fit the situation that you're in right now. You also have to be prepared to ask more than once. Research shows that you will get a minimum of 3 to 5 "no's" before you get a "yes". That means you have to ask for the sale a minimum of 3 to 5 times.

Take the initiative. Ask for the sale! Stop waiting for the customer to close themselves.

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags,

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, April 18, 2011

Job hunt in strong markets
Washington, D.C., is the country's best job market.Employers are slowly adding jobs as the economy limps back, but is it work you'd want? Job seekers might check out these eight metro areas, with both low unemployment (below 8%, vs. 8.8% nationally) and median pay above the $74,000 national average for mid-career college grads.

Best: Washington, D.C.
Unemployment: 6.1%
Salary: $91,000

Baltimore: 7.9%...$80,000

Boston: 7.8%...$85,000

Salt Lake City: 7.7%...$75,000

Boulder: 7.7%...$80,000

Austin: 7.3%...$77,000

Anchorage: 7.3%...$75,000

Minneapolis: 7%...$78,000

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags, vinyl siding, windows & doors, wire & cable

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Plastics Sales Recruiter - Unemployment Rate

Here's the link to the latest unemmployment rate. Keep an eye on the category "over 25 with a degree." Note how low the unemployment rate is for those folks.


Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags, vinyl siding, windows & doors, wire & cable

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, March 28, 2011

Plastics Recruiter Dan Regovich

A good artice on How to become a millionaire in three easy steps.

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags, vinyl siding, windows & doors, wire & cable

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE

Monday, March 21, 2011

What to do when your star employees quit - Plastics Recruiter

Intersting article from!

What to do when your star employees quit
March 9, 2011 10:18 am

The day your best employee comes in with the news that they're moving on is the day you start recruiting them again. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
By Hank Gilman, deputy managing editor

While you might have a bigger paycheck and you might have a special feeling inside now that you have a staff of your own, the gripes, hiring, and firing responsibilities are also all yours. Welcome to management. In You Can't Fire Everyone, Fortune deputy managing editor Hank Gilman lays out some of the most critical challenges managers face today, drawing from his decades of experience on the front lines.

The following excerpt addresses the unfortunate, inevitable day when your talented employees decide to leave. This excerpt also marks the official launch of You Can't Fire Everyone (sound familiar?), a series that will open our site to reader contributions on their triumphs and trials in the working world. Tune in next week for tales on firing and being fired.

I know this will come as a shocker -- well, to some of you -- but eventually new and/or better jobs will come along for your more talented people. Or eventually they'll just get tired of what they're doing (and of you) and will want to experience something else. Or sometimes a job offer will come along and your star won't know whether they want to leave or not. But if and when a star decides to leave, you just have to understand and hope that someday they'll return. And you know what? It does happen. And a lot of it depends on how you act when they leave.

Now, some bosses will hold grudges. Pretty much like a scorned husband or wife. There's one story of a publisher I'll leave unnamed, that will not hire you back if you leave. It's a breakup pure and simple. (My boss kind of feels that way. Jeez, you should see his face when someone leaves. But he always lets them return!) But I like to look at it a different way. The day your best employee comes in with the news that they're moving on is the day you start recruiting them again. A few things to keep in mind:
1. Don't bad-mouth the new employer.

This is pretty classless. I once interviewed the late Sam Walton for a story I was writing and he not once said a negative word about his competitors. Hell, you could tell him that Kmart was the worst retailer you have ever seen and how could they compete with the mighty Wal-Mart (WMT)? And by the way, they say Wal-Mart is run by a bunch of hicks. He wouldn't budge. In fact, he would even go on and on about all the good things Kmart was doing. (Hey, look at that Pennzoil display -- you can't do much better than that!) You knew he was fibbing a little bit. But the point was he was taking the high road. And it made him look good.

The same thing is true in any business. One of my employees, late in the courtship stage with a competitor, recently asked me what I thought of the people he might be working for. I knew their flaws (I actually thought they were evil trolls), but it wasn't worth getting into. For one thing, he might like the trolls. For another, it would make me look like a petty jerk if I started gossiping about people, some of whom I didn't know. (Not that I'm always above that.) Whenever I hear one of my bosses slander someone, I figure they probably do the same to me as well. So here's my standard line: "Look, you're lucky, you have two good options and you can't go wrong. Of course, I want you to stay. But that's your decision. I have a pony in the race." I actually believe that.

2. Come up with a counteroffer, but only if they really want one.

I tell this to people all the time. If it's partly about money, I'll get you some more. If it's about your title, we can do something about that. (It's only words.) But if you really want a new job -- or need a change -- take it. You'll be coming back to me anyway in six months if your idea of a good career move is a useless new title.

One of our more talented writers must have gone through this process three or four times before he eventually left. You know, walk in to me or one of his other bosses with a job offer in his hand. He'd come in and say he was being courted and we'd come up with more money. Then he'd come in again.

The final time I just said, "Look, it sounds like a great job and I know you need a change of scenery. You're bored. This is the only place you've ever worked. Go off, enjoy the new place, but think of us when you want to come back again. You still have a home here." So he took the new job. I later found out he was insulted

that there was no counteroffer -- also that I wasn't, no kidding, devastated enough at the thought of his leaving -- even though he didn't want a counteroffer and was going to leave anyway. Sometimes you can't win. (Postscript: By the time you read this, the writer may have returned. The grass isn't always greener, but sometimes you just have to let them find that out on their own.)

3. Don't be a hypocrite.

I've had, let's see, about six or seven major jobs depending upon how you count them up. I'm not going to sit there and tell someone that moving on is a bad thing when it isn't, and I've jumped around a lot. I wouldn't be writing this book if I hadn't had all those jobs, met all those people, and managed in more than one place. And my employees know that, too. It makes it easier to lose someone because you understand and it's just something they have to do. This is especially true of young writers and editors who have been at the same place most of their careers. Trust me, they'll want to work for you again if you're honest and helpful. Unless, of course, you're the reason they're leaving.

But having a lot of different jobs, as a manager, does have some advantages. I can, and do, tell employees with wandering eyes that I've been there. "Go off and have a great time. Enjoy the job. I've had enough of them and you're not going to get much better than this." And I believe that. And, again, sometimes they just need a change. A kind of young reporter left Fortune recently to go to The Washington Post. I knew she wanted the change partly because she wanted to work in a newsroom atmosphere. No way could we provide that for her. Sometimes you just say good luck, "I know you'll do great," and let them explore what's out there.

4. Keep in touch.

Of course, you always tell them they can come back. But the hardest part is keeping up connections. I always make it a point to have lunch or dinner and remain friendly. Sometimes they don't come back. But keeping in touch works in other ways. You have a scout in a new place if you want to recruit one of their colleagues. You also have a damn good reference in case you decide you need to look for work! (Hey, don't think it doesn't help.) Finally, former employees are, of course, asked by potential new hires what it is like working for you. And they'll be honest.

Excerpted from You Can't Fire Everyone by Hank Gilman by arrangement with Portfolio Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc., Copyright © 2011 by Hank Gilman.

Plastics Jobs Recruiter

Dan Regovich - Plastics Recruiter & Plastic Packaging Recruiter
AJ Augur Group, LLC

Formerly with RSI Recruiter Solutions International, VP Plastics & Filtration
Within the plastics industry, we service comanies with the following technologies: injection molding, blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, multilayer blow molding, thermoforming, cast extrusion, profile extrusion, extruded film, blown film, plastic film, rotational molding/rotomolding, plastic sheet, calendaring, casting, compression/transfer molding, foam molding, pultrusion, resin, color and compounding,

The primary end markets that these products go into: aerospace, agriculture, apparel/garment bagsappliances, automotive/transportation, beverage, building/construction, computers, consumer products, containers/closures, fencing, fiber optics, flooring, food service, grocery bags, electical/electronics, food pacakaging, household chemicals, household-care packaging, industrial, irrigation, labels, laminations, lawn & garden, marine, medical/pharmaceutical, municipal water & sewer, office products, personal-care packaging, plastic cups/lids, recreational, signage & displays, shrink film, stretch film, swimming pools/spas, tanks agricultural/industrial, telecommunications, toys, trash bags, vinyl siding, windows & doors, wire & cable

Types of Materials: ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Fluoropolymers, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon, PC, PET, PETG, PEX, PLA, Post-Consumer Resin, PP, PPO/PPE, PS/EPS, PVC, PVDC, SAN/SMA, Thermosets, TPE